In a custody battle, can my child’s therapist testify?

Often, when parents are in the process of divorcing, their children need counseling. Therapy can be a valuable experience for a child, offering a safe environment for the child to voice fears, anxieties and anger, all without concern about the possibility of upsetting their parents. But what if the parents are unable to resolve a custody or other parenting issue? Can the children’s therapist testify in Court? In Massachusetts, there is a statutory patient/psychotherapist privilege that applies to children. That means that a therapist cannot disclose anything said by a child in therapy–with limited exceptions such as abuse and other criminal activity–unless the privilege has been waived. The fact that parents cannot waive that privilege for their children frequently comes as a surprise in divorce proceedings. Instead, the judge will appoint a special Guardian ad Litem purely for the purpose of determining whether to waive the privilege. Typically, but depending upon the child’s age, that person will speak with the parents and the child before making a determination as to whether waiving that privilege could be detrimental to the child.